Boxing Day Sale- Up to 35% off T&C’s

These are the terms and conditions for the Boxing Day promotion.

  • This promotion will run from 23/12/2024 - 12/01/2025. Purchases made before or after this date will not be eligible for the Up to 35% off promotion.
  • This promotion is limited to stock, and Ecosa may remove products during the campaign period from the sale products list.
  • This promotion is only available on orders placed on (Ecosa Group Pty. Ltd. (NZBN 9429042236467).
  • The Ecosa Boxing Day Sale discount may not be valid in conjunction with other offers, promotions or discounts.
  • If you wish to return an item, Ecosa will refund you the price you paid during the promotion (not the original price). Please contact our to start the process.
  • Discount may not be valid in conjunction with any other limited offer, promotion or discount.
  • Ecosa reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions, and to end any promotions, sales or discount offers at any time.