Does Vitamin D affect your sleep quality? Science proves that it does. Scientific data highlights the big impact of this often-overlooked nutrient on our nocturnal adventures. According to new research, 22.7% of Australians have low vitamin D levels. This vitamin deficiency has impacted our population’s ability to fall asleep.
Vitamin D is more than just a daytime friend – it’s also a nocturnal buddy for people looking for pleasant slumbers. This sunshine vitamin can help us achieve blissful sleep at night.
Getting enough Vitamin D from exposure to sunlight can also enhance your mood and make you feel energised. About half an hour outside, a few times a week, can start the skin’s production of Vitamin D. This in turn can help you have a better sleep routine and fight anxiety. Bottom line is: Vitamin D and deep sleep as well as relaxation go together.
Can Vitamin D Improve Sleep?

Feeling well rested at night and waking up refreshed is something super elusive nowadays. Most of us wake up feeling tired and exhausted despite sleeping at night. We feel an overwhelming desire to go back to bed despite needing prep for work. But can Vitamin D give you that extra boost to wake up refreshed? Evidence has shown that sleep and Vitamin D are highly connected and without this nutrient, one may suffer from sleep disorders.
On the other hand, an ample dose of Vitamin D can enhance our production of Melatonin, the sleep hormone. This in turn can make us sleep faster at night, have deeper sleep and promote our well being and since many of our sleep neurological pathways are affected by the amount of Vitamin D we have, having an adequate amount of it is needed to get Zzzz’s.
Vitamin D and Deep Sleep

Your circadian rhythm is influenced by many factors. One of these factors is the amount of sunlight you get and the Vitamin D that you have in your body. Data has shown that those who lack Vitamin D have difficulties in getting deep sleep as well as may suffer from sleep disorders.
Here are some facts:
- Sleep disorders such as insomnia have been linked with the lack of proper Melatonin production which is connected to Vitamin D. Other sleeping disorders are also linked to this sleep hormone.
- Deep sleep or REM sleep is the most restful stage of sleep that one can have. REM sleep affects your mood, your memory and even your learning capability and concentration. You normally get REM sleep if you sleep well.
- Without deep sleep or REM sleep, you may end up having severe health issues like heart problems, obesity, diabetes and so on.
- Vitamin D impacts and REM sleep correlate with one another.
Sunlight and deep sleep go hand in hand in circadian rhythm. Having sunlight or Vitamin D can help you get more deep sleep.
How to Get More Vitamin D and Sleep?

Boosting your vitamin D levels and enhancing your sleep requires a mix of changes to your lifestyle, eating habits, and your exposure to sunlight. Here are some tips for increasing your Vitamin D levels and improving your sleep:
1. Get some sunshine.
- Spend time outside in direct sunlight. Aim for at least 10-30 minutes of direct sunlight on your face, arms, and legs a few times a week
- Go for a morning walk or go for some outside activities. Have you ever tried dancing or doing yoga outside?
- Don’t forget sunscreen. Remember to protect yourself from skin cancer.
2. Vitamin D dietary sources:
- Include fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), eggs, fortified dairy products (milk, yoghurt), and fortified plant-based alternatives (soy milk, almond milk) in your diet.
- After checking with a healthcare expert, consider integrating Vitamin D supplements, especially if you have limited sun exposure or specific dietary limitations.
3. Practices Good Sleep Hygiene:
- Create a consistent sleep routine by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, including weekends. Yes, weekends too.
- Keep the bedroom dark, quiet, and cool to create a comfortable sleeping environment.
- Create a soothing pre-sleep routine to tell your body that it’s time to unwind and then sleep.
4. Exercise on a regular basis:
- Exercise on a regular basis. It has been linked to better sleep quality. Try to have at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise.
- Don’t exercise before going to bed because this will disrupt your sleep.
5. Techniques for Mindful Relaxation:
- Do some deep breathing, meditation, or light yoga d before bedtime to reduce your stress and calm your body.
- Listen to bi-aural beats to promote relaxation.
6. Limit your screen time:
- Reduce gadget time at least an hour before bedtime because the blue light released from these things interfere with melatonin generation.
7. Have a well-balanced diet.
- Maintain a nutrient-dense, well-balanced diet. Eat food that are high in key nutrients for overall health, as nutritional deficits can interfere with sleep.
- Eat good fats to promote Vitamin D absorption. Incorporate fatty fish and green leafy vegetables.
A short stroll outside will help you increase your Vitamin D level which in turn will give you energy, help you have a balanced mood, and a great sleep.
Where to get Vitamin D? Sunshine or Supplements
Since Vitamin D has a host of benefits that help you become healthier and sleep better, the next question is where to get it from. Should you be getting this nutrient from the sun or from supplements? Which better?
Of course, getting your Vitamin D from the sun is optimal and free. It’s also a fun to go out for a bit and soak up some rays
- When exposed to sunshine, your skin has the extraordinary capacity to create Vitamin D. Being in the sun for 10 to 30 minutes a few times a week can be a natural and efficient strategy to increase your Vitamin D levels.
- Sunlight not only delivers Vitamin D, but it also stimulates the creation of serotonin, the “feel-good” hormone, which contributes to a better mood and overall well-being.
- The sun is an easily accessible resource, and getting your daily dose of Vitamin D from it is free of charge.
While sunshine is an excellent source of Vitamin D, it is critical to balance sun exposure to minimise skin damage. Keep sun safety in mind, especially during peak hours.
Of course, you may opt for supplements to make it easier to get your Vitamin D.
- Supplements provide a controlled and quantifiable dosage of Vitamin D, allowing you to manage your intake precisely.
- Vitamin D supplements are frequently available in vegan-friendly formulations, answering the needs of people with dietary restrictions.
- Supplements are a convenient and time-efficient approach to achieve your Vitamin D requirements in our fast-paced lives, where outside exposure may be limited.
For optimal Vitamin D levels, you can balance both sunlight and supplements. Consult a healthcare professional to make sure you get what you need. Don’t forget to prioritise moderation and don’t get sunburnt. But always choose what feels best for you.
Don’t Skip On Your Nutrients

Nutrients, vitamins and minerals are our best buddies when it comes to getting our bodies all balanced. Without proper vitamins like A, B, C, D and E, we risk getting sick and having inflammation in our bodies. This can lead us to getting horrid sleep, a bloated body and even feeling lethargic all the time.
Make sure you visit your doctor every few months so that he can give you advice on what nutrients you need more. Have a balanced diet and invest in your sleep. Don’t overwork yourself and try to relax your body. You deserve to feel good after a long day’s work.