Have you ever wondered why brands and visual advertisers use specific colours in their marketing materials and logos?
Or maybe you’ve noticed that you feel relaxed in the presence of that trusty monstera and even relieved by its greenery?
You may have guessed by now why adult colouring books have become bestsellers. Probably the same reason art therapy is practised widely in hospitals, rehabilitation and mental health facilities.
You won’t be surprised that colour profoundly impacts thinking, mood, and behaviour. Advertisers use colour to convey their brand messages and to attract consumers.
Adult colouring books help with stress relief for some people. Colour is used today to treat physical and mental health alongside other alternative medicine practices that promote positivity!
You can easily use your bedroom to enjoy the benefits of colour therapy; you only have to change your bed sheets! That’s right; today, we’ll talk about what colour your sheet set should be and how having a dedicated aesthetic can actually help you get a good night’s sleep.
What Is Colour Therapy?
Colour theory may seem ordinary today because of its prevalence in everyday life. You see colour psychology online, on television, in art, makeup and fashion campaigns.
It may seem like only a design or ornamental element, but colour has a more significant role in human life and behaviour, a concept studied in chromotherapy.
Colour therapy, or chromotherapy, uses colours and coloured lights to treat physical or mental health issues and promote holistic wellness. This treatment method comes from the idea that colours affect mood and brain chemistry. Interesting correlations between calming effects, bed linens, and duvets!
It has a similar foundation to aromatherapy and essential oils. That’s why you may feel more at ease when looking at pastel colours or more nervous in the presence of red.
So far, chromotherapy has used light to treat seasonal affective disorder, a wintertime depression.
You can even find SAD lamps advertised all over the front page of Google, offering the comfort of sunlight on cloudy days.
We have long known that blue light from screens promotes attentiveness, but it may also disrupt sleep.
By switching to the blue light filter on your phone, red light induces sleepiness late at night.
The Emotions behind Colours
In general, different colours evoke specific emotions in people. But can a colour scheme actually do something for your physical and mental health?
Colours work individually, but specific colours can be used (more often by advertisers and brands) to cause predictable changes in mood or thinking.
Each primary colour — red, shades of blue, and yellow — is associated with energy, relaxation, and happiness.
Black and white are not exactly opposite; black is anger, strength or intelligence, while white is cleanliness, purity or innocence.
Other colours like orange, green and brown are associated with ambition, prosperity and stability.
Pink and purple can be romance and luxury. Of course, these colours may mean many different things to different people, and they will also have unique effects on you.
While it’s fascinating to think that lighter and darker shades can play a huge role in your mood, changing your bedroom décor isn’t a small feat. If you’re interested in overhauling your room’s interior design, read on!
How to Use Chromotherapy in Your Life

You can indulge in chromotherapy without having to buy new lights. Instead, use art therapy to bring a splash of colour into your home or office.
If you prefer portability and compactness, you might want to buy a colouring book instead, although there are also printable colouring pages with beautiful mandalas and other patterns online.
Before you stock up on art pieces or colouring books and dash to check out, consider that these methods can get old quick.
If you aren’t fond of art, an art piece may not affect you, making it an unnecessary expense. The same can’t be said for your bedroom colours.
In turn, colouring books can become tedious with all the details that you have to colour. (Or the searing anger when your texture goes outside the lines.)
You can reserve these methods of chromotherapy for later. Instead, start with something simple such as changing your bed sheets with specific colours.
Uncover the Meaning Behind Your Sheets

A bedroom is a place for sleep and rest; naturally, you’ll spend a lot of time there. While in the bedroom, you’ll see your bed (and the sheets on them) more than anything else.
White is a classic colour for sheets, but you can benefit more by selecting a colour that resonates with you. That way, you can create the mood you’d like to feel in your bedroom using sheet colour therapy.
Colours to Match Your Home Décor Style
If you have an existing style of home décor, specific colours will better match your aesthetic. For example, white will go with the creamy or subtle grey tones in a Scandinavian-minimalist home.
Beige also works well with basil or storm in a mid-century modern twist. In the meantime, if you like boho, earthy browns and dusty reds like mushrooms, brick, and sand are the colours you’re looking for.
Lastly, a coastal style revolves around blues and whites, such as arctic and sand.
See Your True Colours
Alternatively, you may not be particular about your home décor style and simply want the colour to complement your vibe.
Instead of matching colours with your furniture or art, you can think about what you want to feel in your bedroom.
Once you know what emotion you’re going for, pick a colour that reinforces the feeling. As it turns out, the thread count of your sheets isn’t the only thing worth keeping track of; your colour picks matter as much!
You can find the meaning of colours online, but you also have to consider what YOU personally feel when you see a particular colour.
Some Pinterest pegs suggest using neutral tones to keep your room’s look balanced, but certain colours are definite pluses.
For instance, dark blue sheets facilitate better sleep as it has sedative vibes, while a light blue tint offers anti-anxiety properties, making it a good pick for both bed and living rooms.
What about white? Off-white bed sheets are perfect for maintaining a minimalist look while imbibing a calming effect.
That colour will then guide you in choosing the perfect sheets. On a side note, you can also select sheets with patterns or prints, as long as the predominant colour aligns with the feeling you want for your room.
Colour Me Interested

With a sheet colour palette selected just for you, you’ll likely be looking forward to hibernating in your room for as long as humanly possible.
Whatever colour you choose, you’ll feel comforted, uplifted or warm just by surrounding yourself with the right shade. That’s the power of colour; you can harness it for your health and well-being.